Start Again...
From the time I discovered that I wanted to be a writer, I gravitated towards poetry. I’ve written articles, tried my hand at short stories and attempted longer stories, but most of my success was my poems. Three years ago I thought about making this a place to share my political screeds. Then I started a new job and didn’t add anything. One of the beauties of the new job is that it affords me the time and mental space to engage my love for poetry. At the urging of some friends, I have decided to start adding them here. Here's my first.
A day that can only be found in mid-autumn
Last night’s frost no more than ghost lines
Haunting the edges of fallen leaves
Ice crowds the car’s windows
Fading quickly in the amber sunlight
Stumbling through the nearly naked trees
The last of summer’s green only a brown murmur
Its furious gold orange red moment now spent
A hand shaped oak leaf jumps into the breeze
Wandering wearily across the cloudless blue sky
That stretches out to erase the fickle moonlight
Chasing away the tired stars